Holiday is a time to forget the time. The goal is rest and doing nothing. Having a change of the daily routine. I have been to Liguria in North Italy when mountain drops directly into the sea.
During this period we even can be bored. One day has no 24 hours but a variable duration sometimes more and sometimes less. I like discovering a new region and something new. And the language is also a change when we don’t understand the local language.
The choosen region this year was Liguria in Italy. It is simple the continuation of the french mediteranean cost. Alps drops verticaly in the sea and this combination mountain and sea give such beauty.
Here are some photos.
Crossing Alps with Saint Bernard pass.
Alps drops into the sea.
Visiting piza and its famous tower. It was raining this day
And we didn’t forget Florenze and its famous bridge
On day we walk arount Riva Trigoso and saw that the fire was burnt all not long ago
2 réflexions sur « Liguria »
You are a good photographer. I had the pleasure of viewing photos
Thank you. It was easy because the country side was so amasing
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