Ross Bramirskyy – Я нашел такую любовь – Христианская Музыка |
I don’t understand lyrics of this song but I like the video. I don’t understand why this song has only 30 view on youtube (4th of June 2017). I can heart it looping and looping. If someone can translate it in english that would be great.
2 réflexions sur « Ross Bramirskyy – Я нашел такую любовь – Христианская Музыка | »
Hi Chris.
I translate a part of the song.
» You opener my eyes
I do not want to live without You again.
I made a choice, I chose You.
Forgive me, I was far away
I am ready to give You everything.
I found such love
Similar to gold and silver
I want to always be with it.
There are no safer things in the world, than You.
Your heven is open for me
You are standing and waiting for me.
It is not important what is going with me
I live for You. »
I have not heard from you a long time.
Thank you for the translation
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