for KING & COUNTRY – burn the ships
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Are there ships you need to burn in your life? What from your past has kept you silent and held you back from freedom? This album, ‘Burn the Ships’ was conceived when my wife, Courtney was battling addiction and all that comes along with it…. She one day chose to literally “flush the pills”, and never look back. Now we invite you to stand with us – leave the past behind, step into a new day, and ‘Burn the Ships’.
The ships (struggles, bad habits, insecurities, distractions, and addictions) in our lives that need to be burned. Your ship is the largest negative aspect of your life that consumes you, your thoughts, and your daily being. These ships look completely different for each individual, yet everyone has them.
My comment : Sometimes we need to turn the page and look forward. Do not look backward. What you wanted to keep. Let it go. Your ship sometimes needs to be burnt. Your ship is the symbole to your old life. You still can go back with your ship. If you burn it you should stay. Your problem is past.
Step into a new day
We can rise up from the dust and walk away
We can dance upon our heartache, yeah
So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships
And don’t you look back