How to move a multisite wordpress to a single side wordpress ?
This blog needs to be moved. He is presently hosted in an american webhost Dreamhost. This host is nice. You can have lot of web space. But sometimes workpress needs more power or the delay between Europe and USA suck.
So I decided to move it to OVH.
The limit of my OVHh host is the database. I only have one database and it is limited to 200Mega. I can put many domains so if you use many wordpress on one database prefix is needed. As I installed wordress with default prefix how to process.
Before doing the move work. I should know how to do it.
1. rename the tables manualy.
Rename table wp_commentmeta to new_commentmeta; Rename table wp_comments to new_comments; Rename table wp_links to wplabo_links; Rename table wp_options to new_options; Rename table wp_postmeta to new_postmeta; Rename table wp_posts to new_posts; Rename table wp_termmeta to new_termmeta; Rename table wp_terms to new_terms; Rename table wp_term_relationships to new_term_relationships; Rename table wp_term_taxonomy to new_term_taxonomy; Rename table wp_usermeta to new_usermeta; Rename table wp_users to new_users;
2. manual change in table wp_options and wp_usermata
search in wp_option the value user_roles in the field options_name
SELECT * FROM `kris_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%user_roles%'
and change the prefix like new_user_roles
3. copy the sources localy
By ftp copy all sources in a local directory.
4. copy the sources to the new site
5. Change the wp_config
define('DB_NAME', '...'); /** MySQL database username */ define('DB_USER', '...'); /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', '...'); /** MySQL hostname */ define('DB_HOST', '...'); ... $table_prefix = 'new_'; After transfering the new wp_config by ftp. Your new site should be working on your new host.