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Author: kris

Nina Kovaleva

Nina Kovaleva

This christian russian singer made few version of this song. NG radio show made a contest to know what version is the best…

  • Original
  • Version DROSS
  • Version newcreation
Слова и музыка Ковалева Н.А. (KNA)
Любовью Твоею
Мы предаем Христа ежедневно,
Не дорожим минутой бесценной,
Куда спешим, так пряча взор?
Но Ты стучишь к нам в дверь неизменно
И к сердцу ключ подбираешь степенно,
Зачем идем дорогой слез?
А может быть ты вспомнишь?
Как Божий Сын страдал,
Где на кресте Великий бесславно умирал,
Там кровь Его стекала, что и есть вся жизнь твоя,
Он умер, не считая, кто больше грешен ты или я?
Кто больше грешен ты или я?
Любовью Твоею мы спасены,
Любовью Твоею вновь рождены!
Любовью Своею Ты создал меня,
Любовью Твоею живет вся земля!
Стремись к добру и свету, беги от сети зла,
Бог любит человека, путь спасенья есть всегда,
Он искупил нас жертвой, Агнец заклан за тебя,
Живи теперь с надеждой, взирая в небеса!
Взирая в небеса!
Любовью Твоею мы спасены,
Любовью Твоею вновь рождены!
Любовью Своею Ты создал меня,
Любовью Твоею живет вся земля!
Живет вся земля!



English translation

Words and music Ковалева Н.А. (KNA)
By Your Love
We betray Christ daily,
Do not cherish a minute of priceless,
Where are we hurrying, so hiding our eyes?
But You knock on our door invariably
And to the heart you select the key sedately,
Why are we going to dear tears?
Or maybe you’ll remember?
As God’s Son suffered,
Where on the cross the Great ingloriously died,
There His blood was drained, which is the whole of your life,
He died, not counting who is more sinful than you or me?
Who is more sinful than you or me?
By Thy love we are saved,
By Your Love are born again!
By Your Love You created me,
All earth lives by your Love!
Strive for the good and the light, run from the evil network,
God loves man, the way of salvation is always,
He redeemed us with a sacrifice, The Lamb was slain for you,
Live now with hope, looking to heaven!
Looking to the heavens!
By Thy love we are saved,
By Your Love are born again!
By Your Love You created me,
All earth lives by your Love!
The whole earth lives!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

May you have a year that is filled with joy, happiness, hope, and prosperity Wishing You a Happy New year.

December is a stressing month

December is a stressing month

Didn’t you remark that december is a month full of activities. When Chrismas is approaching, that remember that we MUST celebrate Chrismas. Society tells us that we must buy gifts and more. We must decorate and make christmas tree. December is a busy month too in many companies. For shops that is THE month of the year. Yes December is a month of consumption

Then this social pressure of Christmas could become stressing


Some people have financial difficulties or have not enough monney. We can call them poor people. They are frustrated because they cannot buy what they want.


If you have ecology fiber, you cannnot buy and consum but you want to protect environment. You just want to buy only what you need and not more.  If you have a device, you don’t need to replace it with the new one if it still works well. We must save energy and life only with the minimum.


If you are lonely or if you have crisis in your family, Christmas could be a hard time because we MUST be with our family and we MUST be happy. This month remind us our lonelyness.


If you are poor, ecologist or lonely, december month is a hard month.

Maybe christians could feel better in this special season. Maybe not because Christmas is not a biblical celebration.  And today Jesus is not at the center of Christmas as it could be.Jesus born is only a story a myth.

So what can we do during this period ? Maybe walking in the snow far away from shopping center and put our stress away.

Even if you don’t like Christmas : Merry Christmas

How to add youtube video in interpals

How to add youtube video in interpals

You can add embeded youtube video in interpals message or content. I will explain you step by step how to do it.

1. Select the url of the video. just copy past the address for example

2. Identify the youtube code. The youtube code is in red

3. here select WObWGpe1ff8

4. Then put the code [youtube]WObWGpe1ff8[/youtube]

You have an option : click the youtube button

Then past the code like this

click OK and it is done

God Help Me – PLUMB

God Help Me – PLUMB

God Help Me

I just discover this new singers PLUMB. Actually she is much more known in the secular world than in the christian music world. I like the sound and the melody. The first thing I should like in a song is the music what I hear. I even surprise me to wake up during a night with a music in my head. What is this music ? What is this melody ? When did I hear such music ? After a while I realise that is was this song.

I also like the words of this song. Very deap and touching. I could sing this song myself. What will you ask for me. It is not always as easy to know what we should do and to listen to the voice of God.

There is a wrestling in my heart and my mind
A disturbance and a tension I cannot seem to drive
And if I’m honest, there’s quite a bit of fear
To sit here in this silence and really hear You

What will You ask of me?
Will I listen to Your voice when You speak?

Help me to move, help me to see
Help me to do whatever You would ask of me
Help me to go, God help me to stay
I’m feeling so alone here
And I know that You’re faithful
But I can barely breathe
God help me

Sometimes things, they are black and white
Sometimes they are not and that leaves us torn inside
And in the middle, we are left to wonder
Who we are, what You want and where we’re going

Oh such a mystery
I don’t always understand
But I believe!

I don’t know the future, it’s one day at a time
But I know I’ll be okay with Your hand holding mine
So take all my resistance
Oh God I need Your grace
One step and then the other
Show me the way
Show me the way!

Help me to move, help me to see
Help me to do whatever You would ask of me
Help me to go, God help me to stay
I’m feeling so alone here
And I know that You’re faithful
But I can barely breathe
But I can barely breathe
But I can barely breathe
God help me

Nick Vujici in Ukraine

Nick Vujici in Ukraine

Nick Vujicic, the remarkable evangelist born with no arms and no legs, was part of a massive outreach in Ukraine in which 400,000 surrendered to Christ as their Lord and Savior.

“The biggest event that our team at Life Without Limbs has seen and maybe the largest event ever in Europe – 800,000 people in the streets of Kiev Ukraine!” Nick reported on Facebook Oct. 17th.

Vujicic, 33, was born without arms or legs and was given no medical reason for his condition. On the ministry’s website, he explains, « It’s been said that doors open to a man without arms and legs much more easily than to anyone else, we thank God for providing that privilege. I’ve been invited into very unexpected places to share about my faith in Jesus Christ and literally millions have responded. »

Hubzilla my experience

Hubzilla my experience

Hubzilla is a powerful platform for creating interconnected websites featuring a decentralized identity, communications, and permissions framework built using common webserver technology. It could be an alternative as facebook, twitter or other services taken by big companies.

Finding a hub

That is not as easy. You have many hubs but many are outdated or don’t accept open registration

What the hub can do ?

As soon you find a hub where you can registrare an account you discover what the hub can do and what the hub cannot do. But the list of feature (activated plugin and feature) is not listed in a human reading. Exemple is the ostatus plugin activated or not. I cannot activated why ? Haaa that hub does not allow it. —> grrr I have to find an other hub and start at the begining.

Social ?

Hubzilla is a powerfull tool but it is a social tool. You expect communities or at least a community. But untill now the community is only hubzilla community. Where are people ? The community is small and not growing…. That dimension is missing. Hubzilla is only a tool not a community.

New users are not comfortable

I just notice that new user don’t stay. They try, open an account a channel and don’t use it. Why ? That would be interesting to try to answer that question. We could respond. Hubzilla is powerfull, it is a revolutionary tools, you are anomyme and privacy is really in the core etc. etc.. but the fast is new user are not able to dive into it and use it for a real use.


My user experience in hubzilla is that it is often slow. I am waiting often after clicking somewhere.

Double configuration

Often the admin should activate or parameter a plugin and the member should do the same. We need double configuration. If either the member or the admin don’t do it. It will not work. Even admin is not able to configurate plugin for member. That level of complexity is something like a weekness of course we also can see that like a strongness.

Simplicity should be the target.

How to make something complicated simple ? I hope the level of simplicity sill be the target for hubzilla.


Hubzilla is changing quicky and improvements are frequent. That is my hope. I am sure improvement will lead into the right direction. (simplicity)



Holiday is a time to forget the time. The goal is rest and doing nothing. Having a change of the daily routine. I have been to Liguria in North Italy when mountain drops directly into the sea.

During this period we even can be bored. One day has no 24 hours but a variable duration sometimes more and sometimes less. I like discovering a new region and something new. And the language is also a change when we don’t understand the local language.

The choosen region this year was Liguria in Italy. It is simple the continuation of the french mediteranean cost. Alps drops verticaly in the sea and this combination mountain and sea give such beauty.

Here are some photos.

Crossing Alps with Saint Bernard pass.

Alps drops into the sea.

Visiting piza and its famous tower. It was raining this day

And we didn’t forget Florenze and its famous bridge



On day we walk arount Riva Trigoso and saw that the fire was burnt all not long ago





How to integrate Recaptcha in Prestashop in 3 steps

How to integrate Recaptcha in Prestashop in 3 steps

Prestashop is one of the most used ecommerce on the internet BUT the contact form has no protection again the spam. Of course you can buy an additional plugin but I will explain how to integrate a spam protection without paying. You have to create and configure an account, change 2 sources. You can make it in 30 mn or less.

Here is a howto step by step for prestashop 1.6 (I don’t know about prestashop 1.7 but I imagine it should be similar).

1 Setup your Google reCAPTCHA if you don’t have it

Note the key and the secret key

You have to configure it and put your domain name.

2  Change the contact-form.tpl

First you have to change the contact form (client side) contact-form.tpl should be in your theme. Open an editor and search the submit botton

For me it is like that

 <div class="submit">
 <button type="submit" name="submitMessage" id="submitMessage" class="button"><span>{l s='Send'}<i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i></span></button>


Just above add few lines of code. Replace key by your key

 <script src=''></script>
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="key"></div>


That should look like that

 <script src=''></script>
 <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="key"></div>

 <div class="submit">
 <button type="submit" name="submitMessage" id="submitMessage" class="button"><span>
{l s='Send'}
<i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i></span>

3 Change ContactControler.php

If you don’t have this source in override\controllers\front copy it from controllers\front

Then you have to add few lines to check if the captcha is ok or not

search the postProcess() function it should be at the begining (2nd function) and add

  if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')) {
 $extension = array('.txt', '.rtf', '.doc', '.docx', '.pdf', '.zip', '.png', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.jpg');
 $file_attachment = Tools::fileAttachment('fileUpload');
 $message = Tools::getValue('message'); // Html entities is not usefull, iscleanHtml check there is no bad html tags.
 $id_order = (int)$this->getOrder();
 if (!($from = trim(Tools::getValue('from'))) || !Validate::isEmail($from)) {
 $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid email address.');
// add the 2 lines from here
 } elseif (!($gcaptcha = (int)(Tools::getValue('g-recaptcha-response')))) {
 $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Captcha error');
// to here