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In a protestant church after the lockdown

In a protestant church after the lockdown

A sunday church service without singing

This morning for the first time after the lockdown I have been in a #church service. It was in a traditional protestant church

This is maybe the first time in my life that I go in a sunday church service. I grow up in catholic church and I disliked that.

Goad Discovering Exploration and Curiosity

I describe how it was organised and how I felt.

-At the entrance we must tell our name and give our phone number. In case of problem it will be easy for tracking + desinfection of hands

we sit at a minimum distance of 2 m 20 to 30 people are in the Church

I had huge problem of concentration.

It remind me a streaming service more than a real service

We didn’t sing. This is the firsttime in my life that I am going in a church without siging. I realised how important is singing. Singing have different name according to social groups. Evangelical call it worship. But singing is only a form. hearing music without singing seems so special. Sometime is missing. As far as I remember all christian groups use song in every meetings. The only exception maybe is bible study.

Analyse the form was for me more important that analysing the content.

An other thought came in my mind during the service. Instead of hearing the content I was thinking. Swiss people are really the oposite of spontaneous. They need to organised all. Maybe it was a reason why I am not comforatable. I don’t like or don’t know how to organise things and I like spontaneity. Maybe spontaneity is the only way I can do.

I really love christian groups because spontaneity was free. We can pray like we speak. No need to prepare. We can worship Goas as we are.

C3Lausanne discovering

C3Lausanne discovering

This 1st of January, it is sunday and there is no service at our church. This is the good oportunity to visit a church I have never been before. C3Church at Lausanne this is  c3lausanne Palais Beaulieu.  5PM there is a special new year service. We arrive on late on a dark room.


In this full of people room with 600 seats, it is like a show. C3 I already lookt at the website  to see what kind of church it was. The site is morden and give impression of a well organised organisation. The word that I used ot give ‘worship church’ does not match because there is not a lot of worship songs. The pastor talk a lot in french and a someone translate in english.  This is maybe a church for expat who does not understand french very well.

I have the impression that english is not only for the translation but the whole concept of the church has english influence.

The pastor is very dynamic. Youth people give testimony from what the lives in the camps ‘Power camp’. They look very motivated and enthousiat.

The sermon is about psalm 90. All is very biblical about time that pass very quickly.

Teach us to number our days,     that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

establish the work of our hands.

This is the wish that he is doing for the assembly. The service ends with prayers for those who wants.

That is C3 a church where the most important tool is not a Bible but the torch of your smartphone.. C3 is a church for english speaking people. C3 seems to be very dynamic and attracts people.

That was my first impressions.