Mulhouse is situated at the corner near Germany and Switzerland. You can read Germany by car in 30 mn and Switzerland (Basel) for the same period of time. This city count 112 000 inhabitants and the metropolitan area if you add suburb you have 280 000 people.
Mulhouse is famous for its museums particularly the automobile museum (Musée national de l’automobile) and the train museum (Musée du chemin de fer). The largest automobile and railway museum in the world.
Mulhouse is also an industrial city from the 19s century. Today you have automobile industry Peugeot who is still in activity.
The city center is interesting with colorfull houses.
This is the city house (hotel de ville) it is written that Mulhouse was attached to France in 1798. Before that date it was part of Switzerland. You still can see flag of swiss canton as decoration
Place Saint Etienne in the city Center