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The story of Justin Bieber

The story of Justin Bieber

Did you know that Justin Bieber has released an Album with only Christian songs? Did you know that he has turned to Christ in recent years, left his promiscuous lifestyle and got married? That he had a near-death experience with Lyme disease and drug abuse? That he was born to a 17-year-old mother who struggled with drug addiction and attempted suicide, but found Christ? That Justin was the subject of a prophecy just before his big breakthrough? That Justin regrets so much of what he did wrong? That he had everything going for him but felt alone and empty?

Born at St. Joseph’s Hospital in London, Ontario,4 Canada, Justin Drew Bieber was the only child of French-Canadian Patricia Lynn (born April 2, 1975)6 and Jeremy Jack Bieber (born June 4, 1975)-who became his parents when he was only 18 and never married. His parents separated shortly after his birth, and he was raised primarily by his mother, who worked one low-paying job after another, and his maternal grandparents, Diane and Bruce Mallette. At the time, his mother was struggling with substance abuse, depression and trauma from sexual abuse as a child and teenager. He has French Canadian, Irish, German, Scottish and English heritage.

In September 2019, Justin Bieber admitted to using numerous illicit substances from the time he was 18 until he was 20 years old.229 From the age of 13, he began using cannabis. Over the years, he developed a strong addiction to cocaine, hallucinogenic mushrooms, alcohol, Sizzurp, antidepressants and ecstasy. He then reveals that his many addictions led him to make « bad choices, » as well as to have « abusive behavior towards his ex-girlfriends: » « I started using drugs and emotionally abusing others at the age of 18. I was resentful, disrespectful to women, and angry. I became distant with everyone who loved me, and then hid behind a shell. I felt like I could never be otherwise.

In January 2020, the singer says he wanted to change and get sober, the day he thought he was dying: « Every night, my bodyguards and my team would come and check my pulse […] People have no idea how crazy everything was at that time. My first instinct when I got up every morning was to take some medicine and smoke a joint. That’s how I started my day. It was scary. « 

[Verse 1: Justin Bieber]
I hear a lot about sinners
Don’t think that I’ll be a saint
But I might go down to the river
‘Cause the way that the sky opens up when we touch
Yeah, it’s makin’ me say

[Chorus: Justin Bieber]
That the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Feels so holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
On God
Runnin’ to the altar like a track star
Can’t wait another second
‘Cause the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Feels so holy

[Verse 2: Justin Bieber]
I don’t do well with the drama
And, no, I can’t stand it being fake
(No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
I don’t believe in nirvana
But the way that we love in the night gave me life
Baby, I can’t explain

[Chorus: Justin Bieber]
That the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Feels so holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
On God
Runnin’ to the altar like a track star
Can’t wait another second
‘Cause the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Feels so holy
[Bridge: Justin Bieber & Chance the Rapper]
They say we’re too young and
The pimps and the players say, « Don’t go crushin' »
Wise men say fools rush in
But I don’t know (Ah-ah-ah-ah)
They say we’re too young and
The pimps and the players say, « Don’t go crushin' »
Wise men say fools rush in
But I don’t know (Chance the Rapper)

[Verse 3: Chance the Rapper]
The first step pleases the Father
Might be the hardest to take
But when you come out of the water
I’m a believer, my heart is fleshy
Life is short with a temper like Joe Pesci
They always come and sing your praises, your name is catchy
But they don’t see you how I see you, Parlay and Desi
Cross, Tween, Tween, Hesi’ hit the jet speed
When they get messy, go lefty like Lionel Messi
Let’s take a trip and get the Vespas or rent a Jet Ski
I know the spots that got the best weed, we goin’ next week
I wanna honor, wanna honor you, bride’s groom, I’m my father’s child
I know when the son takes the first steps, the Father’s proud (Yes)
If you make it to the water, He’ll part the clouds (Uh)
I know He made you a snack like Oscar Proud (Mwah)
Suffer it to be so now gotta clean it up (Ooh)
Formalize the union in communion, He can trust (Woo)
I know I ain’t leavin’ you like I know He ain’t leavin’ us (Ah)
I know we believe in God, and I know God believes in us
[Chorus: Justin Bieber]
‘Cause the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Feels so holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
On God
Runnin’ to the altar like a track star
Can’t wait another second, on God
Runnin’ to the altar like a track star
Can’t wait another second, on God
Runnin’ to the altar like a track star
Can’t wait another second
‘Cause the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Feels so ho-ho-ho-holy

Censorship and free speech

Censorship and free speech

I thought that censorship was past but no!!! Censorship is for today. We are not free to say what we want.

Before internet (before 2000) censorship was much more light. But now the scope of what we can express is more and more narrow.

I am candid. I think that we can share ideas opinion and think freely. But if you share information that someone disagree you hurt him and he can block you.

On day I receive a message on the Fediverse

Usualy when I receive such message it is conter productive. I am very sensitive with blocking myself or baning. It hurts me so much. That I cry out much more louder. It is like we reject myself without earing.

Now I should show you the post. as the name means is a social church. Church means christian. Kirche social will ban me because I ask for prayer.

If they consider GAB as theire enemy. Read what Jesus said about enemies in Mathiew 5:44

43“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. 44But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!

Gab is not federated anymore then I was thinking that it was nice to share this message. Andrew just ask for our prayer. It is a rememder. Of course it is also kind of advertising message. I could cut the upgrade things.

Gab is very controversial site. Lot of people don’t like it. They say they are Nazi, Faschist, racists, homophobes, sexists and I could add many bad words islamophobes (no this is a french word).

I am not the best wise people. I have my own weekness, I am sure past injuries from my childhood is maybe not totaly cured. Sometimes I need to express myself. I try my best to be understood. Sometimes it does not work. Sometimes it is even worst. More I try less I am understood.

That is why more we try to say do not say this do not say that. That when we block me I try to repeat more.

Why blocking is not the solution. If you block me of even ban me. I can created other account. You will not detect quickly it is me. You hurt me and the problem is not solved.

What is the solution. Dialog and empathy. If you try to understand me I will be much more ready to understand you. Probably what I say hurt you. Then if I understand that. It will be much more easy to be carefull.

Censorship will transform in mutual respect.

Censorship is very violent and it does not solve the problem. We need to understand each other.

Zad de la colline

Zad de la colline

In Eclépens there is a hill which is located exactly on the watershed between the Mediterranean Sea and the North Sea, it is the Mormont. Holcim has a quarry. But Holcime wants to keep digging more and more on this hill. It will disappear.

In Éclépens, just a few kilometres north of Lausanne, the international cement company LafargeHolcim has been exploiting 2800m2 of the Mormont hillside for nearly 25 years. In 2022, the already well-advanced quarry will reach the limit of its authorised operating perimeter, which is why Holcim Switzerland is seeking to obtain new permits as soon as possible to continue the unbridled exploitation of the Mormont hill. If this is not stopped by 2029, the entire Birette plateau will have disappeared. But that’s not all: Holcim plans to further extend the quarry in the future to the point of destroying the summit of the Mormont, located in an area listed in the federal landscape inventory. This area is considered to be one of the richest areas of flora in the Central Jura. Holcim’s new project to extract 8.4 million cubic metres of limestone is the result of an appeal by the NGOs fighting against the extension of the mine (Association for the Protection of the Mormont Hill, Pro Natura), which failed at the cantonal level. However, the fight is not over. The appeal at the federal level has been launched, but if it doesn’t succeed, we risk seeing this hill overlooking Eclépens and La Sarraz destroyed forever.

In addition to its listed and documented biodiversity, the hill is also an important archaeological site classified as a European heritage, which contains ancient ritual sites and probably Celtic dwellings.Holcim even welcomes its fruitful collaboration with archaeologists thanks to the « dynamic support for the archaeological work on the Celtic site of Mormont. This is reflected in the excellent cooperation between the management of the cement works and the Cantonal Archaeological Service, as well as in the financial contributions without which the excavation work could not have been carried out in the Canton ». Holcim is also tries to greenwash itself with the idea of financing the protection of wild orchids on the hill. Since it is known that the company´s sole objective is to progress in exploiting the area, this statement is nothing but hypocrisy.

The site concerned by Holcim’s cement plant extension project affects 22 plant communities, half of which are among the list of habitats worthy of protection according to Annex 1 of the OPN. In 1998, the Mormont was included in the Federal Inventory of Landscapes, Sites and Monuments of National Importance due to its biological wealth. This wealth comes from the diversity of the source rocks present, as well as from the diversity of exposures that create a unique climate. The site we protect, with its unique trees and various plant species, is part of the precious set of environments that the Mormont represents. A hotspot of diversity and rarity, it has seduced botanists such as Pascal Kissling, but also French-speaking authors such as Jacques Chessex or Gustave Roud, who fought to save the Mormont from a road project in 1975. And despite all these arguments, Holcim dared to justify the extension of its mine by asserting that the Birette site « is essentially made up of agricultural plots and contains no particular natural wealth ». In an open letter, Pascal Kissling wrote that « even if we only recognise the decorative value of natural environments, we should give future generations the opportunity to rethink their relationship with the living environment. However, these possibilities will only survive in the few shreds of intact nature that we will be able to pass on to them. Thus, the conservation of environments such as the Mormont is not a gift to nature, it is an act of foresight and a civil duty. « Finally, this destruction of ecosystems is being carried out in favour of cement production, which is the industry that emits the most CO2 in Switzerland (see the article « Concrete: Ecological? »).

Holcim’s actions not only destroy valuable ecosystems, but also aggravate the effects of global warming by daring to claim that concrete can be « zero carbon » in the future, even though CO2 emissions are directly caused by the industrial process of cement production. But what alternatives to cement are possible? You will find all the links under the concrete tab. Today, as an extension of the struggles of the last decades to save Mormont, in echo to the climate strikes, the ZADs, and the ecological actions that are spreading around the world before it is too late, we are committed against this mine extension project.

We are defenders of life on earth, concerned and committed to a sustainable future; as Kissling said, we are fulfilling our civil duty: we are defending the hill. Against Holcim’s concrete, we will defend the wild orchids and what they represent: the possibility of a sustainable future. Orchids against reinforced concrete! For more details, the association for the defence of the Mormont created in 2013 offers a wide range of information.

Kendji Girac a french gypsy singer

Kendji Girac a french gypsy singer

As introduction, I could say that I was talking on the Fediverse (my account is about Gypsies.

Gypsies are nomadic people living in caravans. They move from place to place. Few have houses. This people is rejected because they are different of oxidental culture. Some say they don’t work, they don’t go to school, they steal etc… Sometimes this fact is exagerated sometimes it is true.

Then I discover Kendji Girac.

Is this man a christian as I saw him singing few christian songs on youtube.

Sure he grew up in a christian family. In France many Gypsies are christian. Personaly the first real christian I knew was Gypsie whis Mission Vie et Lumière. First time in my life I saw people talking about the Bible about Miracle and Jesus.

Looking for more information about his faith I notice that he is only a nominal christian. According to Libération he believe but is not baptized because he think that baptized people are not allowed to go to paries. I think he misunderstand christian life. Nevertheless he respect faith as he grew up in christian family and sometimes he sings christian songs.

Around Lake of Brenet Switzerland

Around Lake of Brenet Switzerland

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Last sunday was a nice sunny day. I wanted to walk a in the snow. Then I decided to go to Brenet Lake.

Just put your car near the Train Station of Le Pont. You have a path all around the lake. You can count 1 hour as it is 5 km. An easy and pleasant walk.

At the northern tip of Lac de Joux, a yellow sign indicates the tour of Lac Brenet. Departure from the Pont station for a 4 km loop (1 hour, no difference in altitude). The itinerary is punctuated by a dozen panels on the history of the glaciers and the region.

Ici Brenet Lake in winter

200 m northeast of Lac de Joux, Lac Brenet is a small jewel, with its 1.5 km length, 500 m wide. We go around in about an hour, ideal for a Sunday walk! Its small shaded beaches are also appreciated by swimmers.

Like its vast neighbor, Lac Brenet completely freezes in winter, it is forbidden to walk or skate on this lake on the contrary of Lac de Joux which allows both activities. Its ice has had various uses in the past, as shown by one of the 16th explanatory panels installed on its shores, tracing the human activities around Lac Brenet.

The famous natural ice of the Lac Brenet was in fact exploited by ice makers during sixty years. Since 1879, the horses’ chariots have transported the blocks of ice to Croy station, where the large ice cubes are loaded on trains destined for the large Swiss cities, but especially for Paris. Finally, the line of railway came into being between Le Pont and Vallorbe, in order to facilitate transportation.

Walk around Brenet Lake
Я стремлюсь к Тебе стремлюсь к Тебе Spiritual evolution

Я стремлюсь к Тебе стремлюсь к Тебе Spiritual evolution

With all my soul
I long only for You
O Lord
I call out
With all my heart
And I cry
To Thee, O Lord

Gave me
Grace and glory
There's nothing
♪ that can ♪
Compared to Thee, Lord

I, I long for You
Like a deer to water
I long for you
Oh, my God

I give my life to You
 Call to You and I will follow
 I give my life to You
 Here I am Take me the God of Zion

Всей душой
Жажду лишь Тебя
О Господь
Взываю я
Сердцем всем
И кричу
Тебе о Бог

Дал мне
Милость и славу
Нет ничего
Что смогло
Сравниться с Тобою Господь

Я, я стремлюсь к Тебе
Словно лань к воде
Жажду лишь Тебя
О Бог мой

Отдаю свою жизнь Тебе
Позови за Собой и я пойду
Отдаю свою жизнь Тебе
Вот я возьми меня Бог Сиона

What is the best Instant Messengers

What is the best Instant Messengers

Today in 2021 everybody use Whatsapp. It create a vendor lock-in. It means the ability to switch service is too hard because it requires convincing every contact to move to a new service.

When Whatsapp announce they will change the condition to use their service many people start trying orther application. What is the best according to the Free Software foundation

We recommend you to choose any federated system or peer-to-peer messenger according to your use-case so that you get full control of your communications, freedom and privacy. It is very important to reject proprietary services like WhatsApp which takes freedom away from the user. FSF India, FSCI or other volunteer-run organization in India would be glad to extend support to anyone needing more details on undergoing such a shift.

Many people start using Signal or Telegram some Matrix. Is it the good choise ?

Telegram is better than Whatsapp. Signal is better than Telegram. Xmpp is better than Signal. Matrix is better than xmpp. Tox or Briar or jami is better than Matrix.

WhatsApp app is a non-free software which does not respect user’s freedom and privacy. WhatsApp does not provide its users the access to its source code and actively bans anyone creating a Free Software app that can connect to WhatsApp service. They claim their app provides end-to-end encryption, but we cannot verify if they actually implemented end-to-end encryption without any backdoors (access of app remotely without user’s permission) or loopholes. Being non-free app is enough to reject WhatsApp so we are not going to talk about other bad things about WhatsApp.

There are three broad categories of messaging systems with Free Software apps – Centralized services, Federated services and Peer-to-Peer systems.

A. Centralized services

A centralized service is one in which every one is forced to use the same provider. Setups such as this has many disadvantages such as vendor lock-in, being more susceptible to back-doors by government, the whole world getting dependent on a single organization for their communications. Centralized services also have a single point of failure.

  • Telegram Compared to WhatsApp, Telegram provides Free Software app which means end-to-end encryption can be verified to be working as claimed. Free software app is often not enough to provide full control over your communications. For example, Telegram’s apps (Android, desktop, iOS) are free software but still the service is centralized like WhatsApp. So only Telegram’s app respects your freedom but not the service.

There is no end-to-end encryption by default in Telegram and messages in groups are not encrypted.

Needs phone number for signing up.

Signal Signal app is Free Software like Telegram, and in comparison to Telegram it offers server software also as Free Software which makes it better than Telegram.End to end encryption is enabled by default and groups chats are also encrypted. Even though you are allowed to setup Signal service yourself, the users of your service will not be able to talk to users of official Signal server, making it practically a vendor lock-in.

Needs phone number for signing up.

Summary: Signal is better than WhatsApp and Telegram.

B. Federated services

A federated system is a collection of independent service providers which can communicate with each other. Federation is important to take full control of your communications. You can choose a trusted provider or be a service provider yourself. No single entity can force their terms on users. Examples of federated systems are mobile phones, emails, matrix , XMPP etc. For example, you can buy a SIM card from any mobile service provider and talk or send SMS to subscribers of other providers.

XMPP : XMPP is good because you can communicate with the whole xmpp system. You need to find a provide. XMPP host

Matrix Matrix is like xmpp. You have to find a provider and it is better with audio or video phone. But it is not widely used yet

C. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems

Peer-to-peer instant messengers can talk directly without requiring any servers. Examples are Briar, Tox and GNU Jami, etc. The messages are end-to-encrypted and are stored only locally in the devices since there are no servers involved. There are no servers that could intercept your communications, so it gives you the ultimate privacy and freedom. To exchange messages, both peers need to be online, which might be a bit inconvenient.

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