

Holiday is a time to forget the time. The goal is rest and doing nothing. Having a change of the daily routine. I have been to Liguria in North Italy when mountain drops directly into the sea.

During this period we even can be bored. One day has no 24 hours but a variable duration sometimes more and sometimes less. I like discovering a new region and something new. And the language is also a change when we don’t understand the local language.

The choosen region this year was Liguria in Italy. It is simple the continuation of the french mediteranean cost. Alps drops verticaly in the sea and this combination mountain and sea give such beauty.

Here are some photos.

Crossing Alps with Saint Bernard pass.

Alps drops into the sea.

Visiting piza and its famous tower. It was raining this day

And we didn’t forget Florenze and its famous bridge



On day we walk arount Riva Trigoso and saw that the fire was burnt all not long ago





How to integrate Recaptcha in Prestashop in 3 steps

How to integrate Recaptcha in Prestashop in 3 steps

Prestashop is one of the most used ecommerce on the internet BUT the contact form has no protection again the spam. Of course you can buy an additional plugin but I will explain how to integrate a spam protection without paying. You have to create and configure an account, change 2 sources. You can make it in 30 mn or less.

Here is a howto step by step for prestashop 1.6 (I don’t know about prestashop 1.7 but I imagine it should be similar).

1 Setup your Google reCAPTCHA if you don’t have it

Note the key and the secret key

You have to configure it and put your domain name.

2  Change the contact-form.tpl

First you have to change the contact form (client side) contact-form.tpl should be in your theme. Open an editor and search the submit botton

For me it is like that

 <div class="submit">
 <button type="submit" name="submitMessage" id="submitMessage" class="button"><span>{l s='Send'}<i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i></span></button>


Just above add few lines of code. Replace key by your key

 <script src=''></script>
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="key"></div>


That should look like that

 <script src=''></script>
 <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="key"></div>

 <div class="submit">
 <button type="submit" name="submitMessage" id="submitMessage" class="button"><span>
{l s='Send'}
<i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i></span>

3 Change ContactControler.php

If you don’t have this source in override\controllers\front copy it from controllers\front

Then you have to add few lines to check if the captcha is ok or not

search the postProcess() function it should be at the begining (2nd function) and add

  if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')) {
 $extension = array('.txt', '.rtf', '.doc', '.docx', '.pdf', '.zip', '.png', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.jpg');
 $file_attachment = Tools::fileAttachment('fileUpload');
 $message = Tools::getValue('message'); // Html entities is not usefull, iscleanHtml check there is no bad html tags.
 $id_order = (int)$this->getOrder();
 if (!($from = trim(Tools::getValue('from'))) || !Validate::isEmail($from)) {
 $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid email address.');
// add the 2 lines from here
 } elseif (!($gcaptcha = (int)(Tools::getValue('g-recaptcha-response')))) {
 $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Captcha error');
// to here
World’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge opens in Switzerland

World’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge opens in Switzerland

Switzerland has opened the world’s longest suspension footbridge. It is 494 meters long.

The bridge is suspended between 1,600 meters and 2,200 meters above sea level. It is only 65 centimeters wide and goes as high as 85 meters above the ground.

Hikers, within sight of the famed mountain, the Matterhorn, and the Bernese Alps, can cross it in about 10 minutes

The bridge crosses the deepest-cut valley in Switzerland. Hikers can look down onto it through grates in the bridge.

Without the bridge, the journey previously took up to four hours.

According to Swiss reports, it took only 10 weeks to build the bridge. And the structure surpasses Germany’s “Titan-RT” as the world’s longest suspension footbridge. The « Titan-RT », which opened last month, is just over 450 meters long. It crosses Germany’s highest reservoir, the Rappbode Dam.

The Swiss bridge is also longer than the so-called « footbridge in the sky. » This bridge, built in 2014, is part of the Sochi Sky Park in Russia. It spans 439 meters and includes observation platforms looking on the mountains and the Black Sea Coast.

Montreux in July

Montreux in July

If you go from Lausanne, the motor way from Lausanne to Montreux is maybe the most beautiful motorway in the world. Lake, mountain, vineyard, tunnels and 20 mn later you are in Montreux. I want to invite you just walking at the lake promenade. Forget all and relax.

The walking path at the lake is a botanical garden with lot of plants and flowers. Stop and sit at the bench.

Montreux is situated at the extrem est side of Geneva lake. You can see french Alps

Nick Vujicic in France

Nick Vujicic in France

Nick Vujicic  was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1982, from parents orginaly from Serbia He was born without some fully formed limbs. According to his autobiography, his mother refused to see him or hold him while the nurse held him in front of her, but she and her husband eventually accepted their son’s condition and understood it as God’s plan for their son.

He was in invited in France for celebrating 100th aniversary of the Bible House. Here is his conference in France of 14th of July

Nick Vujicic annouced during this conference that he was expected twins.

Evangelist Nick Vujicic, famous around the world for his inspirational faith-based messages despite being born without arms and legs, is releasing his first ever music album. He said « It’s been a dream of mine for a long time now to be able to take my mission of spreading hope, purpose & encouragement across the globe, and combine it with my love of music & song, and now finally I am getting to do it! »

read more

The previous day Nick Vujicic was in Switzerland. He talk with volonteers and share his project in relation with education

Neuchatel lake

Neuchatel lake

Lake of Neuchatel is the bigest lake entirely in Switzerland. Geneva lake is shared with France and Konstance lake is shared with Germany. The lake receives the Orbe River, the Arnon, the Areuse, and the Mentue. The canal of Thielle drains the lake into Lake Biel-Bienne and is part of regulation system for the lakes and the rivers of the Seeland region. Lake Neuchâtel was the home of the now extinct species of deepwater trout Salvelinus neocomensis.


La Sarraz Castle

La Sarraz Castle

Built on a rocky spur, the castle of La Sarraz was built in 1049. Unlike most other castles, that of La Sarraz has always been the residence of the barons of La Sarraz and has never changed hands until The death of the last chatelaine in 1948. This peculiarity is its interest and its richness: it has kept the character of a dwelling inhabited and the objects it shelters have been acquired over the years.

The Castle of  La Sarraz has some of the most beautiful collections of furniture and paintings in Switzerland. Reunited by the family of Gingins in the course of their long history, they are the result of a slow and talented accumulation which is in the continuity of this lineage.

The Castle of La Sarraz reopens its doors to the visit after three years of closure, in 2017. You can now visit the castle and it is well worth it.

The first room you can visit is the living room.

Portrait of the owner

The music room

The office

The kitchen

The is a special machine to cut sugar. In the middle age sugar was in big stone.

The library

This room is maybe the most impressive room. It is unique


The Keep

The roof of the tower


Advise if you plan to visit this castle there is a free tour with a guide once a month. Each second sunday of each month at 15:00 you just need your ticket (10Fr)

Official website : Château de la Sarraz




Paris is not the bigest french speaking city in the word

Paris is not the bigest french speaking city in the word

Paris was the bigest french speaking in the world with more than 10 milions people. But Kinshasa has now in 2017 more people with 12.1 milions inhabitant than Paris (11.9 milions)

With an anual demographic groth of 4.2% between 2000 and 2016, the Capital of Congo overtake Paris. Additionaly RDC République Démocratique du Congo is also the biggest french speaking country in the world with 78 milions people.

This shows the demographic and economic power of french Africa that has an area 3 times of European Union with 380 milions inhabitant.

The 3rd french speaking city in the world is Abidgan in Ivory cost with more than 5 milions people.