In a protestant church after the lockdown

In a protestant church after the lockdown

A sunday church service without singing

This morning for the first time after the lockdown I have been in a #church service. It was in a traditional protestant church

This is maybe the first time in my life that I go in a sunday church service. I grow up in catholic church and I disliked that.

Goad Discovering Exploration and Curiosity

I describe how it was organised and how I felt.

-At the entrance we must tell our name and give our phone number. In case of problem it will be easy for tracking + desinfection of hands

we sit at a minimum distance of 2 m 20 to 30 people are in the Church

I had huge problem of concentration.

It remind me a streaming service more than a real service

We didn’t sing. This is the firsttime in my life that I am going in a church without siging. I realised how important is singing. Singing have different name according to social groups. Evangelical call it worship. But singing is only a form. hearing music without singing seems so special. Sometime is missing. As far as I remember all christian groups use song in every meetings. The only exception maybe is bible study.

Analyse the form was for me more important that analysing the content.

An other thought came in my mind during the service. Instead of hearing the content I was thinking. Swiss people are really the oposite of spontaneous. They need to organised all. Maybe it was a reason why I am not comforatable. I don’t like or don’t know how to organise things and I like spontaneity. Maybe spontaneity is the only way I can do.

I really love christian groups because spontaneity was free. We can pray like we speak. No need to prepare. We can worship Goas as we are.



for King and country is one of my favorite christian group. As we all face the Covid19 pandemic, we must stay at home. Our life are changes. Some people can overcome this period better other not.

Filmed in quarantine in homes during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. ‘TOGETHER’ with Kirk Franklin + Tori Kelly. So grateful to all 2000 of you who lent us your stories and voices to make this music video possible.

Oh oh oh oh oh

This is for the busted heart
This is for the question mark
This is for the outcast soul
Lost control, no one knows
Sing it for the can’t-go-backs
Sing it for the broken past
Sing it for the just found out
Life is now upside down

If you’re looking for hope tonight, raise your hand
If you feel alone and don’t understand
If you’re fighting in the fight of your life, then stand
We’re going to make it through this hand in hand

And if we fall, we will fall together

This is for the second chance
This is for the new romance
Sing it for the loved in vain, overcame
It’s not too late

If you’re looking for hope tonight, raise your hand
If you feel alone and don’t understand
If you’re fighting in the fight of your life, then stand
We’re going to make it through this hand in hand

And if we fall, we will fall together
When we rise, we will rise together

Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh
(We will rise together)

If you’re looking for hope tonight
(And you’re all alone)
If you’re feeling alone tonight
(Can you feel)
If you’re in the fight of your life
(I can promise)
We’re gonna make it happen, yeah
I will be by your side
(By your side)
Cause love’s in the air tonight
(Can you feel it)
Come up and see the light
whenever ever ever
Just as long as we’re together, say

If we fall, we will fall together
(I got you my brother)
(I see you my sister)
When we rise, we will rise together

If we fall, we will fall together
(Take my hand)
(Help me stand)
When we rise, we will rise together
(We will rise together)

Together we are dangerous
Together with our differences
Together we are bolder, braver, stronger

Jim Perry the projet leader of CodeIgniter is dead

Jim Perry the projet leader of CodeIgniter is dead

For the last few months our project lead, Jim, has been struggling with lung cancer. He was undergoing treatment. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. A few days ago he passed away in his sleep.

Jim was the driving force behind keeping us moving, and was instrumental in rescuing CodeIgniter from EllisLab and driving it forward.

Turns out Jim’s birthday was February 24th. We would like to shoot for that date for a final release of 4.0.

CodeIgniter is a Framework with a small footprint with an Exceptional performance, nearly zero configuration. and Strong Security. The power of CodeIgniter is not only the code but its comunity who is really Great.

Jim Perry Linkedin he was a retired instructor at British Columbia, Canada

How to contact me

How to contact me

2019 is almost finished and it is time to think. Think about the past year, think about the new year that is coming. I will write an article about how was 2019 but now I wanted to explain how to contact me.

Probably you didn’t notice it but I am a GAFAM resistant. I explain. I try to organised my digital life without GAFAM if possible. It is a process. I am still using Google for translation or for reseaurch. I even have a gmail account. But I am not using Facebook. I still have whatsapp. But if possible I am using Telegram or other alternative tools.

I will explain the reason and then I will explain you how to contact me.

Reason : GAFAM (Google Amazon Facebook Apple and Microsof) are oligopole that leads the world. They know all about you. They know where you are and what you think. So today internet is getting dangerous. The next dictator will have no difficulty to have all power. Even if I have nothing to hide, I try to resist again robots and unjustice in this world. It is a little drop in the ocean but if I can inspire you. I will be very happy. Facebook is not a social media it use to be. Today it is a strong marketing plateform. They show you what they want.. If you want to be free. Do not use Facebook, Whatapp and Instagram even if all your friends use them. Now I will give you alternatives.

First you can contact me on Mastodon. My main account is or kris@theres.file. Mastodon is a federated social network, Like email you don’t need to have an account on each plateform to communicate but only one email. With mastodon you only need an account compatible with ActivityPub. If you have already a mastodon account or any other Activtypub account just add me. You will be able to comment or send me private message.

If you like to share pictures. You can add my pixelfed account if it an Instagram alternative but free and federated. You even can follow my account on Mastodon or theoreticaly on any other ActivityPub instance.

Lastly I want to give you my Hubzilla account ( ). Hubzilla is more than a social plateform. Of course you can share messages, pictures or video and comment them but it is very secure and private if you want. You data belong to you. And the best is that you have a nomadic identity. That means that your identity is not attached to only one site. But you can move from site to site. I know this concept is strange for you maybe. But it is real. If my main account have problem I can clone it and use an other site and continue to talk as usual. If you want to talk with me in Hubzilla you need to open an account on Hubzilla or zap. Not all site are open for registration.

Conclusion the best way to communicate for me on social plateform is mastodon, pixelfed and hubzilla. Of course if you know me better email still exists and you still can use telegram or viber. But my article was focused on social plateform. I will be happy to read you.

How are you?

How are you?

English is not my language. English is not my culture and sometimes very simple question is hard to hear and to answer for me. I hate the question « How are you ». Here I will try to find why. Not sure I will find a reason but I will try.

Maybe I am strange but this very common question that I heard on almost every starting conversation is my hate.

I never don’t know how to answer this question. I will explain you why.

First hypothese : I am not formalist or against formalism. This question most of the time is not a question. i It is only a formal starting of conversation. And I hate that. Let’s start talking really. Usualy people answer I am fine.

Second hypothse : I receive this question as a real question and I want to answer honesty. When I am feeling good I want to say I am good when I am feeling bad I want to say I am feeling bad. But when I receive this question most of the time I am feeling bad just because of that question that I hate.

Third hypothese : I am honest. I dont’ like to lie and sometimes as I don’t like this question hypocritical I can answer I am well even when I am feeling bad.

Next hypothese : Sometimes I like to be provocative and I can answer I am feeling bad even when I am feeling good. I know that it is very impolite to say I am feeling bad. If you ask a question expect a real answer otherwise do not ask !!!

My conclusion ; I hate this question because I don’t know how to answer. I am feeling like in an exam and I must answer to that question correctly and sometimes I don’t say the correct answer. So I find this video. 36 Smart and Interesting Responses to ‘HOW ARE YOU. Maybe that will help me to pick up a random answer when I don’t know the answer.



We was on holiday at Imperia at the mediteranean sea. Moutain and sea meet there. A nice place. Here some photos and some impressions

Imperia harbor
fishing ships and yatch share the harbor
Let’s go and dream…
Imperia city
Italian telephone cabin
It seem that infrastructure are not welle maintained. This jetty was distroyed by the power of the sea
The coastal road was closed due do landslide
Italy the country of pizza
Italian coffee machine. It does not need any filter any capsule or electricity. Very ecological
Nicolas Peyrac Suffit que tu oses

Nicolas Peyrac Suffit que tu oses

When I heard this song the first time I immediatly love it and listen listen listen many times. That song and melody touch my heart and my emotion deeply. I don’t know why. Maybe it remind me childhood. At that time french song was popular. French is a language that suit very good with music and song.

Et ça dépends de toi
Ça dépend de moi
Toutes ces envies qu’on a
D’échanger ou pas
Les oui et les apparences
De manière indifférence
Parce que bien trop froid

Dans nos bulles
Ne plus s’imaginer
Qu’on a rien à se dire
Et que la vérité
On est seul à l’écrire
Ce savoir grain de poussière
Et tous d’un même univers
D’un même atome
Des particules

Même souffle
Même coeur

Suffit que tu veuilles, que tu oses

Pour que change la noirceur des choses
Et qu’on se découvre enfin
Suffit que tu dises, que t’inventes
D’autres mots dans ceux que tu chantes
Pour peut-être regarder plus loin
A vrai dire presque rien
Ton désir est le mien
D’imaginer la vie
Comme on l’aurait choisi
Avant les trappes et les pièges
Qui nous abîment les rêves
Et nous transforme l’innocence
En doute
En peur

Suffit que tu veuilles, que tu oses
Pour que change la noirceur des choses
Et qu’on se découvre enfin
Suffit que tu dises, que t’inventes
D’autres mots dans ceux que tu chantes
Pour peut-être regarder plus loin

Suffit que tu veuilles, que tu oses
Dire non à ce qu’ils préfèrent
Qu’on exclu, qu’on méprise
Qu’on banisse

Suffit que tu veuilles, que tu oses
Pour que change la noirceur des choses
Et qu’on se découvre enfin
Suffit que tu dises, que t’inventes
D’autres mots dans ceux que tu chantes

Map of rich people

Map of rich people

The data comes from Knight Frank, a real estate and property consulting company. They publish an annual Wealth Report analyzing the property, location, and attitudes of the extremely wealthy.

We can see on this map that The United States of America is the country where we can find the most very rich people with more than 500 Millions

Here is top 10 countries

1. U.S. (North America): 1,830 people

2. China (mainland) (Asia): 490 people

3. Germany (Europe): 430 people

4. Japan (Asia): 390 people

5. Hong Kong (China) (Asia): 320 people

6. Canada (North America): 270 people

7. Switzerland (Europe): 250 people

8. France (Europe): 230 people

9. Russia (Russia): 220 people

10. U.K. (Europe): 220 people

I not the Switzerland have more very rich people than Russia or United Kingdom or even France.
