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Fasting and prayer 2025 Mulhouse

Fasting and prayer 2025 Mulhouse


Every year since 1995 the Evangelical Church La porte ouverte chrétienne has organized a week of fasting and prayer. After a break of a few years because of COVID, this event was organized again.

The Church had been accused in 2020 of having spread the virus when the information on this virus was vague and the instructions had not yet been given. See article from Le Monde for example

In this article there will just be a few thoughts, it will not be a complete article on the benefits of fasting or a description of the Church.

Every day 3 meetings are organized. 9:30, 12:30 and 7 p.m. A break in the afternoon between 2 and 7 p.m. to be free and rest.

Note that the 450-space parking lot is full 20 minutes before the start of the meetings. The 2500 seat room is full even in the morning. The title ‘week of fasting and prayer’ is not a very catchy title. It has not been changed since the creation of the event in 1995. However, the attraction to the event is real.

Conclusion people come to pray and not to be entertained. One might think that this church is a show church. Which may be true. It takes time to adapt at the beginning so as not to be distracted by the crowd and the cameras. But one can also focus on the important thing. Make oneself small and simply seek God and his will. The rest, the show, the miracles and the emotions then become secondary.

The last evening the thing that I can describe here is the vision of this crowd after having praised God, dancing and being joyful being on their knees trembling and in silence. We could then feel the presence of God. The text of the Bible came back to me when Jacob said It is certain God was present in this place. When Moses was aware that if the people touched the mountain they would die.

The conclusion of these few days spent in Mulhouse: We must continue and new things will come, do not redo what has been done in the past, do not hesitate to move forward and innovate. Productivity will come. Less effort will produce more results

Article translated from french from this source



No I was NEVER waiting for your death. I was NEVER wishing bad things to you I am not disappointed your are alive. I am not wishing bad things for you. I was never your enemy. I am not and I will not be.

This is a misunderstanding

Please stop thinking wrong things. That is totaly wrong!!!

I am wishing good things for your life. Sincerely  I hope peace and happiness for you. I really pray for blessing for you in your life. I was never thinking otherwise.  I am happy when you are well. But sad that you was hurt by my fault. This message is very important to say.

I am so sorry that it hurt you. I renew my request : Please forgive me. Peace will come back

If it is my last message. I want to say that I really want the best for you. I NEVER wish bad things for you. I will continue to pray for you.

Now you don’t want to contact me. I will respect that. I will not contact you anymore except if you do it.


Когда я говорю: вы все еще живы?

Это значит, как ты? Это всего лишь вариант приветствия. Мне очень жаль, что такое приветствие болит, я сожалею об этом. Я никогда не желаю смерти никого с этим вопросом. Это наоборот. Я хочу, чтобы все было хорошо