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Located where the Swiss, French and German borders meet, Basel also has suburbs France and Germany. The Basel agglomeration was the third largest in Switzerland with a population of 537 000

The city is known for its many internationally renowned museums, ranging from the Art Museam Kunstmuseaum. Basel has often been the site of peace negotiations and other international meetings. The name of Basel is derived from the Roman-era toponym Basilia. The Old French form Basle was adopted into English, and developed into the modern French Bâle. The language spoken in Basel is german first or specificaly swiss german. The second language is Italian and franch.


Bicylce parking near the train station. Basel is bicycle friendly.


Headquater of Panalpina

As german is the main language we can read sometimes multilinguage information. This one is interesting with the font. The german choose the german gothic. The french font is quite interesting and uncommom. Itilian writing is more standard.


Basler Rathaus








Mulhouse is situated at the corner near Germany and Switzerland. You can read Germany by car in 30 mn and Switzerland (Basel) for the same period of time. This city count 112 000 inhabitants and the metropolitan area if you add suburb you have 280 000 people.

Mulhouse is famous for its museums particularly the automobile museum (Musée national de l’automobile) and the train museum (Musée du chemin de fer). The largest automobile and railway museum in the world.

Mulhouse is also an industrial city from the 19s century. Today you have automobile industry Peugeot who is still in activity.

The city center is interesting with colorfull houses.

This is the city house (hotel de ville) it is written that Mulhouse was attached to France in 1798. Before that date it was part of Switzerland. You still can see flag of swiss canton as decoration

Place Saint Etienne in the city Center





Situated at the east of Geneva lake, Vevey should be visited. You have all. A beautiful lake, huge mountain and so many things to discover. Vevey and Montreux is really near each other.


Vevey is the place of headquater of Nestlé. the largest food company in the world and the largest company in Switzerland.

The symbol of Vevey is that big fork. On this place you have Alimentarium the food museum

Montreux is a city where Nicolas Gogol a famous russian and ukrainian writer, From 1836 to 1848 Gogol lived abroad, travelling through Germany and Switzerland (here in Vevey).

Vevey was the home of Charlie Chaplin where he choose to reside as refugee. In this town you can visite Charlie Chaplin museum.

Vevey is an international city. You can hear many languages in the streets and in Café. English, Portuguese, German, French of cource, Italian, Russian etc…




Colmar is a medieval city in the central Alsace at the east of France near Germany. It is a very touristic city. You can walk in the city center who has large zone of pedestrian street only. Traditionaly alsacian houses were white but recently they start to color them in green, dark red and flashy color.

Timber-framed houses, generally characterized by flat clay tiles and half-timbered building fronts, are found in both the cities and the countryside. Elegant bourgeois homes, their façades divided by ornamental banding, have many bay windows. Alsace, a region long accustomed to working with stone and wrought iron, also features fine examples of Romanesque, Gothic and Vaubanesque architecture. Villages typically feature a central square with a water fountain or a defensive wall and gate.

Do you know that the Statue of Liberty was offered by Bartoldy who was from Colmar to the United States ? You can see a little copy of this statue in rememberance of this gift.







This year we have not had lot of snow. This only now end of february and begining of march that we have few days of cold and snow. Today a lot of snow has fallen. When I came home after the working day, I stoped and took that photo. The sun decided to shine. Snow with sun has something brilliant.



The next photo is the first Alps from Fribourg Canton.

Near Lausanne road condition was terrible



Tine de Conflan January 2017

Tine de Conflan January 2017

La Tine de Conflens, Vaudois dialect signifying the fall of the confluences, is the place of the confluence of the Venoge and Veyron in the village of Ferreyres. We can admire two falls, the Veyron announcing the beginning of the gorge and that of Venoge, the first to inflate the waters of the latter. A steep but maintained path allows you to go down into the gorge to find yourself at the foot of the falls. A little known and undeveloped cave is located next to the fall of the Venoge. It is however easily accessible and shallow.





Holiday is a time to forget the time. The goal is rest and doing nothing. Having a change of the daily routine. I have been to Liguria in North Italy when mountain drops directly into the sea.

During this period we even can be bored. One day has no 24 hours but a variable duration sometimes more and sometimes less. I like discovering a new region and something new. And the language is also a change when we don’t understand the local language.

The choosen region this year was Liguria in Italy. It is simple the continuation of the french mediteranean cost. Alps drops verticaly in the sea and this combination mountain and sea give such beauty.

Here are some photos.

Crossing Alps with Saint Bernard pass.

Alps drops into the sea.

Visiting piza and its famous tower. It was raining this day

And we didn’t forget Florenze and its famous bridge



On day we walk arount Riva Trigoso and saw that the fire was burnt all not long ago





Montreux in July

Montreux in July

If you go from Lausanne, the motor way from Lausanne to Montreux is maybe the most beautiful motorway in the world. Lake, mountain, vineyard, tunnels and 20 mn later you are in Montreux. I want to invite you just walking at the lake promenade. Forget all and relax.

The walking path at the lake is a botanical garden with lot of plants and flowers. Stop and sit at the bench.

Montreux is situated at the extrem est side of Geneva lake. You can see french Alps

Neuchatel lake

Neuchatel lake

Lake of Neuchatel is the bigest lake entirely in Switzerland. Geneva lake is shared with France and Konstance lake is shared with Germany. The lake receives the Orbe River, the Arnon, the Areuse, and the Mentue. The canal of Thielle drains the lake into Lake Biel-Bienne and is part of regulation system for the lakes and the rivers of the Seeland region. Lake Neuchâtel was the home of the now extinct species of deepwater trout Salvelinus neocomensis.