With all my soul
I long only for You
O Lord
I call out
With all my heart
And I cry
To Thee, O Lord
Gave me
Grace and glory
There's nothing
♪ that can ♪
Compared to Thee, Lord
I, I long for You
Like a deer to water
I long for you
Oh, my God
I give my life to You
Call to You and I will follow
I give my life to You
Here I am Take me the God of Zion
Всей душой
Жажду лишь Тебя
О Господь
Взываю я
Сердцем всем
И кричу
Тебе о Бог
Дал мне
Милость и славу
Нет ничего
Что смогло
Сравниться с Тобою Господь
Я, я стремлюсь к Тебе
Словно лань к воде
Жажду лишь Тебя
О Бог мой
Отдаю свою жизнь Тебе
Позови за Собой и я пойду
Отдаю свою жизнь Тебе
Вот я возьми меня Бог Сиона
Today in 2021 everybody use Whatsapp. It create a vendor lock-in. It means the ability to switch service is too hard because it requires convincing every contact to move to a new service.
When Whatsapp announce they will change the condition to use their service many people start trying orther application. What is the best according to the Free Software foundation
We recommend you to choose any federated system or peer-to-peer messenger according to your use-case so that you get full control of your communications, freedom and privacy. It is very important to reject proprietary services like WhatsApp which takes freedom away from the user. FSF India, FSCI or other volunteer-run organization in India would be glad to extend support to anyone needing more details on undergoing such a shift.
Many people start using Signal or Telegram some Matrix. Is it the good choise ?
Telegram is better than Whatsapp. Signal is better than Telegram. Xmpp is better than Signal. Matrix is better than xmpp. Tox or Briar or jami is better than Matrix.
WhatsApp app is a non-free software which does not respect user’s freedom and privacy. WhatsApp does not provide its users the access to its source code and actively bans anyone creating a Free Software app that can connect to WhatsApp service. They claim their app provides end-to-end encryption, but we cannot verify if they actually implemented end-to-end encryption without any backdoors (access of app remotely without user’s permission) or loopholes. Being non-free app is enough to reject WhatsApp so we are not going to talk about other bad things about WhatsApp.
There are three broad categories of messaging systems with Free Software apps – Centralized services, Federated services and Peer-to-Peer systems.
A. Centralized services
A centralized service is one in which every one is forced to use the same provider. Setups such as this has many disadvantages such as vendor lock-in, being more susceptible to back-doors by government, the whole world getting dependent on a single organization for their communications. Centralized services also have a single point of failure.
Telegram Compared to WhatsApp, Telegram provides Free Software app which means end-to-end encryption can be verified to be working as claimed. Free software app is often not enough to provide full control over your communications. For example, Telegram’s apps (Android, desktop, iOS) are free software but still the service is centralized like WhatsApp. So only Telegram’s app respects your freedom but not the service.
There is no end-to-end encryption by default in Telegram and messages in groups are not encrypted.
Needs phone number for signing up.
Signal Signal app is Free Software like Telegram, and in comparison to Telegram it offers server software also as Free Software which makes it better than Telegram.End to end encryption is enabled by default and groups chats are also encrypted. Even though you are allowed to setup Signal service yourself, the users of your service will not be able to talk to users of official Signal server, making it practically a vendor lock-in.
Needs phone number for signing up.
Summary: Signal is better than WhatsApp and Telegram.
B. Federated services
A federated system is a collection of independent service providers which can communicate with each other. Federation is important to take full control of your communications. You can choose a trusted provider or be a service provider yourself. No single entity can force their terms on users. Examples of federated systems are mobile phones, emails, matrix , XMPP etc. For example, you can buy a SIM card from any mobile service provider and talk or send SMS to subscribers of other providers.
XMPP : XMPP is good because you can communicate with the whole xmpp system. You need to find a provide. XMPP host
Matrix Matrix is like xmpp. You have to find a provider and it is better with audio or video phone. But it is not widely used yet
C. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems
Peer-to-peer instant messengers can talk directly without requiring any servers. Examples are Briar, Tox and GNU Jami, etc. The messages are end-to-encrypted and are stored only locally in the devices since there are no servers involved. There are no servers that could intercept your communications, so it gives you the ultimate privacy and freedom. To exchange messages, both peers need to be online, which might be a bit inconvenient.
In Switzerland it is forbidden to ask for money even when you are hungry. Beggars can be fined … and you will be fined.
A person who asks for money logically has no money. How to pay a fine when you have no money. By begging? This law should limit begging except that to pay the fine it encourages it, otherwise it is prison.
In 2011 Ms Lăcătuş, who was unable to find work, began asking for charity in Geneva. On 22 July 2011 she was ordered to pay an initial fine of CHF 100 (approximately EUR 93) under section 11A of the Geneva Criminal Law Act, which makes it an offence to beg in public places. A sum of CHF 16.75 (approximately EUR 15.50) was confiscated from her on that occasion after a body search by the police. Over the next two years Ms Lăcătuşwas issued with summary penalty orders requiring her to pay eight further fines of the same amount, and was twice taken into police custody for three hours.Each of the fines could be replaced by a one-day custodial sentence in the event of non-payment.
Ms Lăcătuş appealed against the penalty orders. In a judgment of 14 January 2014 the Police Court of the Canton of Geneva found her guilty of begging. The court ordered her to pay a fine of CHF 500, to be replaced by a five-day custodial sentence in the event of non-payment, and upheld the confiscation of CHF 16.75. An appeal lodged by the applicant with the Criminal Appeals and Review Division of the 2 Court of Justice of the Canton of Geneva was dismissed on 4 April 2014. Ms Lăcătuşappealed to the Federal Court against that decision, but her appeal was dismissed on 10 September 2014.
From 24 to 28 March 2015 Ms Lăcătuşwas detained in Champ-Dollon Remand Prison for failure to pay the fine.
Relying on Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence), theapplicant alleged that the prohibition on begging in public places constituted unacceptable interference with her private life as it had deprived her of her means of subsistence. Under Article 10 (freedom of expression), she maintained that the prohibition on begging had prevented her from conveying her plight by asking for charity. Relying on Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination) read in conjunction with Article 8, the applicant alleged that she had been the victim of discrimination on account of her social and financial situation and her origins.
The Court observed that the applicant came from an extremely poor family, was illiterate, had no work and was not in receipt of social benefits. Begging constituted a means of survival for her. The Court considered that, being in a clearly vulnerable situation, the applicant had had the right, inherent in human dignity, to be able to convey her plight and attempt to meet her basic needs by begging.Regarding the nature and severity of the penalty, the Court observed that the applicant had been ordered to pay a fine of CHF 500, to be replaced by a five-day custodial sentence in the event of non-payment. As she had been incapable of paying this sum, the applicant had in fact served a custodial 3sentence in prison. The Court observed that this was a severe sanction. A measure of this kind had to be justified by sound reasons in the public interest, which had not been present in this case.As to whether less stringent measures could have achieved a comparable result, the Court noted that in its judgment of 9 May 2008 the Federal Court had found that less restrictive legislation would beineffective, referring to the findings of law made in its previous judgments.A comparative-law survey of legislation on begging showed that the majority of Council of Europe member States imposed more nuanced restrictions than the blanket ban under section 11A of theGeneva Criminal Law Act. Even though the State had some margin of appreciation in that regard, compliance with Article 8 required the domestic courts to examine thoroughly the particular situation in the case before them. Accordingly, the Court could not subscribe to the Federal Court’s argument that less restrictive measures would not have achieved a comparable result.The Court considered that the penalty imposed on the applicant had not been proportionate either to the aim of combating organised crime or to the aim of protecting the rights of passers-by, residents and shopkeepers. The applicant was an extremely vulnerable person who had been punished for her actions in a situation in which she had in all likelihood had no choice other than to beg in order to survive. In the Court’s view, the penalty imposed had infringed the applicant’s human dignity and impaired the very essence of the rights protected by Article 8, and the State had thus overstepped its margin of appreciation in the present case.
The Court held that Switzerland was to pay the applicant 922 euros (EUR) in respect of non-pecuniary damage.
If you have a mastodon account, you probably know that you are using a powerfull and amazing tool because you can communicate with all mastodon instances. But there is more…
You are able to communicate with the whole Fediverse. You can follow peertube video channel, communicate with pixelfed contacts or even comment wordpress post all from your Mastodon account.
If you have other kind of tool, pleroma, hubzilla or other that works the same way.
Pixelfed is an photosharing tool like instagram. You can publish photos and share it. It is federated that means that all the fediverse can follow, comment or like.
Now I will show you how to comment a photo from Pixelfed without Pixelfed account simply from your mastodon account.
I have a mastodon account @kris and a pixelfed account kris@/pixfed.com (you note the same kind of address similar than email). Each account have 2 kinds of address
The first time I heard this song was in 2020 the 24th of december. I immediatly like it. So sweet and so deep. Was it a christmas music ? Maybe ?
This year 2020 was so special. The pandemy and our social world has been changed. We see the time passing. Days month and years… Soon 2021. I still remember when 2000 was the future. We will never be in that time. Now it is the past. We don’t have flying cars but we have all computer in our pocket : our smartphone. Are we more happy ?
This end of year tells me more than before to live the todays’ day the present and to be happy with whom God gaves me.
[Verse 1] Holy are homes Holy in our hearts Glory’s come down Heaven’s come to us ‘Hold the infant King Born to set us free Hope’s alive now, waiting here for us
[Chorus] So hush now Hear the holy sound Don’t rush now This is holy ground
[Verse 2] Our glowing finery Presents under trees Our traditions invite us to receive Will we make the room? Room for You to move? Hearts awaken to holy mystery
[Chorus] So hush now Hear the holy sound Don’t rush now This is holy ground Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Bridge] These sacred rhythms we rehearse Repeat the sounding joy So now with host thе angels, we sing « glory to the Lord » Hallеlujah, love encountered We receive You, God with us Immanuel, the Prince of Peace We crown you Savior, King of kings
[Chorus] So hush now Hear the holy sound Don’t rush now This is holy ground We’re on holy ground
To find a job you love, start with identifying your:
God-given skills & abilities – what are some things that you do well. Can you teach, organize, supervise, plan, develop systems, sing, construct, etc.? If you have trouble coming up with these, ask 3 to 5 friends or family members for their input. Ask yourself why someone would hire you. What have you done to bring value to others? What makes you remarkable?
Values, dreams, and passions – to identify these, remember back to meaningful times in your growing up years. Think back to activities, times or events when you felt a great sense of happiness and personal accomplishment. Remember, this is a process of discovery. Ask yourself these questions as well: – What is it that you find naturally enjoyable? – If money were not important, what would you spend your time doing? – When do you find the time just flying by?
Your Unique Personality Style – start with listing the adjectives that best describe you. Creative, Theoretical, Studious, Analytical, Expressive, Verbal, Adventurous, Dominant, Cheerful, Playful, Solemn, Outgoing, Calm, Logical, Etc. Take a Personality Assessment is often the best way to really get a firm understanding of your own personality style, what really motivates you and what can trigger negative behavior and stress for you. Find out more about the personality assessment here.
In turn, you’ll see clear patterns form that point you toward successful career decisions.
The Job Search Process
Companies are desperately looking for people who are clear on their value and are ready to join their teams. Identify 30-40 companies and send them an introduction letter and resume. This allows you to not wait for someone to have an “opening” or for that company to take the initiative to advertise a position. That’s how we find the 78% of jobs that are never advertised anywhere.
But then having found those companies and sent out your introduction letters and resume – you have to be aggressive about making personal contacts. Ultimately, it comes down to a personal meeting and selling yourself effectively. No reputable company will hire you based on seeing your resume only. You have to be creative about getting in front of the decision makers – phone calls, walking in the front door, waiting in the parking lot in the early morning are all legitimate ways to make those personal contacts. You cannot sit at home and wait for a job offer to come in.
If you committed to walk in the front door of 8 businesses every day next week in your local community, I’m confident you’ll get multiple job offers. No, this isn’t the complete process, but it’s a quick and effective way to get things moving. The first offer may not be exactly what you want, but by offer number 4 or 5 you’ll have your confidence back and be able to negotiate for what you really do want.
Il y a ceux qui n’ont jamais d’efforts à faire Depuis petites elles ont tout pour plaire Loin de chez moi le train est passé Depuis gamine un vrai garçon manqué Fait pas ci, fait comme elle T’es jolie, t’as du potentiel T’es gentille, j’suis formelle Y a rien à faire Je me sens pas belle Je me sens pas belle Qu’est-ce que t’es belle Je me sens pas beau Mais qu’est-ce que t’es beau Comme si j’étais de trop J’en valais pas la peine Je suis pas comme il faut Loin du modèle Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas comme il faut Pas beau, pas beau Depuis petit j’ai rien qui fait la faire Trop souvent que j’ai voulu quitter l’affaire La silhouette dans le miroir je vais me la faire Je me dégoûte je me dis à quoi ça sert Faut être fort, faut être grand Petit gros disaient les autres enfants J’suis pas fort, j’suis pas grand « Petit gros », je me le dis souvent Je me sens pas beau Qu’est-ce que t’es beau Je me sens pas belle Qu’est-ce que t’es belle Comme si j’étais de trop J’en valais pas la peine Je suis pas comme il faut Loin du modèle Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas comme il faut Pas beau, pas beau Plus ça va plus j’y pense Plus je me sens incompris C’est comme une évidence à la vie J’ai tenu la distance J’en ai payé le prix J’ai perdu confiance mon ami Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas comme il faut Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas beau, pas beau Pas comme il faut Pas beau Pas beau
Are you feeling ugly? Sometimes I do. But when I think that beautifull is a subjective issue, it helps me.
Many people does not feel beautifull. Listen to this song. ..
Bill Gates could be an example of inpiration and success. Founder of Microsoft, he is today one of the richest man with a fortune of more then 100 billions of dollars. A huge influencer who want to change the world
Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020)
How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health
We all know the name Bill Gates associated with windows. He was the founder of windows. It is an example of success story.
Born in 1955 he is an american software developer, investor and philanthropist. He is one of the richest men on earth with a fortune of more than 100 billions USD.
Bill Gates is no public health expert. He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Yet somehow he has become a central figure in the lives of billions of people, presuming to dictate the medical actions that will be required for the world to go “back to normal.” The transformation of Bill Gates from computer kingpin to global health czar is as remarkable as it is instructive, and it tells us a great deal about where we are heading as the world plunges into a crisis the likes of which we have not seen before.
This morning, I wake up with a song in my mind. It happend sometimes. Maybe in my subconscient, I had this song somewhere and it comes out when I wake up.
Michel Fugain Chante
Chante la vie chante Comme si tu devais mourir demain Comme si plus rien n’avait d’importance Chante, oui chante Aime la vie aime Comm’ un voyou comm’ un fou comm’ un chien Comme si c’était ta dernière chance Chante oui chante Tu peux partir quand tu veux Et tu peux dormir où tu veux Rêver d’une fille Prendre la Bastille Ou claquer ton fric au jeu Mais n’oublie pas.
Chante la vie chante
Comme si tu devais mourir demain Comme si plus rien n’avait d’importance Chante, oui chante Fête fais la fête Pour un amour un ami ou un rien Pour oublier qu’il pleut sur tes vacances Chante oui chante Et tu verras que c’est bon De laisser tomber sa raison Sors par les fenêtres Marche sur la tête Pour changer les traditions Mais n’oublie pas.
Chante la vie chante Comme si tu devais mourir demain Comme si plus rien n’avait d’importance Chante, oui chante
La la la….
I like the melody and the word. It is a happy song. I don’t know if this song exists in english but I put the translation for you
Sing the life sings
Like you have to die tomorrow
As if nothing matters anymore.
Sing, yes sing
Loves life loves
Like a thug like a madman like a dog
Like this is your last chance
Sing yes sing
You can leave whenever you want
And you can sleep wherever you want.
Dreaming of a girl
Take the Bastille
Or spend your money on gambling
But don’t forget.
Sing the life sings
Like you have to die tomorrow
As if nothing matters anymore.
Sing, yes sing
Party, party, party
For a love a friend or a nothing
To forget that it’s raining on your vacation…
Sing yes sing
And you’ll see that it’s good
To let go of his reason
Go out the windows
Walk on your head
To change traditions
But don’t forget.
Sing the life sings
Like you have to die tomorrow
As if nothing matters anymore.
Sing, yes sing
La la la…
I only know an other version of this song. by Kids Unided It is nice but I prefer the original version.