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Author: kris

Nothing to hide

Nothing to hide

The film tackles the question of mass surveillance and its degree of acceptance by the population summarized by the argument « I have nothing to hide ». The red thread of the documentary is a voluntary spy experiment conducted on Mister X, a young actor living in Berlin. With his agreement, the metadata of his computer and his smartphone are harvested for a month using spyware, then analyzed by researchers. This is to illustrate the fact that it is then possible to extract a lot of personal information from online services, social networks and mobile applications (Google, Facebook, WhatsApp etc.). This experience is interspersed with interventions by whistleblowers, hackers or victims of surveillance.

Barbara Jacques Prévert in english

Barbara Jacques Prévert in english

As you can follow the news, you can hear in the worl war, bombs and you sometimes don’t understand why. It remind me a poem from Jacques Prevert and a famous vers very simple ‘Quelle connerie la guerre’  ( translated by : what a bullshit is the war). Here is the text of this poem translated in english.

Remember Barbara
It was raining ceaselessly on Brest that day
And you were walking smiling
Beaming delighted dripping
Under the rain
Remember Barbara
It was raining ceaselessly on Brest
And I passed you in the rue de Siam
You were smiling
And me I was smiling the same smile
Remember Barbara
You who I didn’t know
You who didn’t know me
Remember that day anyway
Don’t forget
A man was taking shelter under an overhang
And he yelled your name
And you ran to him under the rain
Dripping delighted beaming
And you threw yourself in his arms
Remember that Barbara
And don’t be mad if I speak to you familiarly
I speak familiarly to everyone I love
Even if I’ve only seen them once
I speak familiarly to everyone in love
Even if I don’t know them
Remember Barbara
Don’t forget
This sweet and happy rain
On your happy face
On this happy city
This rain on the sea
On the naval arsenal
On the battleship
Oh Barbara
War is such stupidity
What’s become of you now
Under this rain of iron
Of fire of steel of blood
And the one who took you in his arms
Is he dead disappeared or yet still living
Oh Barbara
It’s raining ceaselessly on Brest
Like it rained before
But it’s no longer the same and everything’s ruined
It’s a rain of mourning terrible and desolate
There is no longer a storm
Of iron of steel of blood
There are only some clouds
Who die like dogs
Dogs who disappear
In the wind over Brest
And go to rot far away
Far away very far from Brest
Of which nothing remains.



Mulhouse is situated at the corner near Germany and Switzerland. You can read Germany by car in 30 mn and Switzerland (Basel) for the same period of time. This city count 112 000 inhabitants and the metropolitan area if you add suburb you have 280 000 people.

Mulhouse is famous for its museums particularly the automobile museum (Musée national de l’automobile) and the train museum (Musée du chemin de fer). The largest automobile and railway museum in the world.

Mulhouse is also an industrial city from the 19s century. Today you have automobile industry Peugeot who is still in activity.

The city center is interesting with colorfull houses.

This is the city house (hotel de ville) it is written that Mulhouse was attached to France in 1798. Before that date it was part of Switzerland. You still can see flag of swiss canton as decoration

Place Saint Etienne in the city Center





Situated at the east of Geneva lake, Vevey should be visited. You have all. A beautiful lake, huge mountain and so many things to discover. Vevey and Montreux is really near each other.


Vevey is the place of headquater of Nestlé. the largest food company in the world and the largest company in Switzerland.

The symbol of Vevey is that big fork. On this place you have Alimentarium the food museum

Montreux is a city where Nicolas Gogol a famous russian and ukrainian writer, From 1836 to 1848 Gogol lived abroad, travelling through Germany and Switzerland (here in Vevey).

Vevey was the home of Charlie Chaplin where he choose to reside as refugee. In this town you can visite Charlie Chaplin museum.

Vevey is an international city. You can hear many languages in the streets and in Café. English, Portuguese, German, French of cource, Italian, Russian etc…


Can Social Media Be Saved?

Can Social Media Be Saved?

The New York Times write an interesting article about social media. Can Social Media Be Saved?

We all know that social media and particularly big one, GAFAM one was bad but every people use it. If you don’t have a facebook account you cannot be connected with your friends and family. If you don’t have watsapp you are missing something. Watsapp belong to facebook.

First we realised that what we see is choosen from facebook or twitter. We never or very rarely receive news from some people. Facebook choose what is interesting for us and that is REALLY REALLY frustrating.  This the main reason why I rarely go to facebook I have one account and even few. But I can tell you that I don’t use them. I don’t put personnal information.

The primary problem with today’s social networks is that they’re already too big, and are trapped inside a market-based system that forces them to keep growing. Facebook can’t stop monetizing our personal data for the same reason that Starbucks can’t stop selling coffee — it’s the heart of the enterprise.

Kevin Roose want to share us 3 topics

  • Give Power to the People
  • Create a Social Federation

  • Put Expiration Dates on Social Graphs


This 3 idias are good. The federation still exists and is coming with few networks that communicated together. You have Mastodon the most famous one but you also have Friendica, Hubzilla and Diaspora. But the best idea is the expiration dates. It is not easy to delete all our content older than one year for example or delete simply all. Who propose that option ?

Personaly I have a gnusocial (twitter like) account and Hubzilla. You can follow me if you wish.

Do you have facebook account ? What do you do with it ? Do you experiment federated social media ? What do you think of this 3 ideas ?

Read more





Colmar is a medieval city in the central Alsace at the east of France near Germany. It is a very touristic city. You can walk in the city center who has large zone of pedestrian street only. Traditionaly alsacian houses were white but recently they start to color them in green, dark red and flashy color.

Timber-framed houses, generally characterized by flat clay tiles and half-timbered building fronts, are found in both the cities and the countryside. Elegant bourgeois homes, their façades divided by ornamental banding, have many bay windows. Alsace, a region long accustomed to working with stone and wrought iron, also features fine examples of Romanesque, Gothic and Vaubanesque architecture. Villages typically feature a central square with a water fountain or a defensive wall and gate.

Do you know that the Statue of Liberty was offered by Bartoldy who was from Colmar to the United States ? You can see a little copy of this statue in rememberance of this gift.





Is the cold war back

Is the cold war back

The cold war was the  nuclear war that never happend between USA and Soviet Union. It ends in 1990 with the end of Soviet Union.  But today it seems to come back.

A friend send me a link and ask for my opinion.

How the US Establishment Lies Through Its Teeth, for War Against Russia

I started to read that article. It looks like kind of russian propagande. A quick whois at the owner of the domain name show me that it belong to someone in Russia.

This article was kind of fearing. For example on the second paragraph we can read “Hillary Clinton clearly hated Russians and wanted to start a war against Russia ”

My first reaction reading this long text is that I should check if it is real or exagerated or not but I am not really journalist. Why sundently we are talking about war. When I was a child the world was divided in 2 zones. West and East (UDRSS) and the enemy was soviet. When I was in army our instructor always explain as example the enemy was soviet. Then few yeat later the wall of Berlin fall down and the world changed. No fear to receive a bomb from the east. (btw I never believe that it could happend) It was possible to go to east Germany, Slovakia etc…
I thought that the cold war was behind and reading your text apparently it is coming back. I think that Russians see americans as a danger but I never see as a real danger. I don’t believe.

It is interesting to see the perspective on the russian media and the western media talk about. On the russian media they fear that NATO attack russia.  On the western media, they fear that Russia attack ex sovietic countries like baltic counties or even Ukraine.

On the russian mediy the news communicate a real fear of war. On the western media that fear is not as height.

300 christian russian radios

300 christian russian radios est un annuaire de radios chrétiennes russes.

No need to understand russian, you just clic to a radio and you listen you can change when you want. We can easily see that there is a huge dynamism of creation concerning russian christian music.

Family Force 5 – This Is My Year

Family Force 5 – This Is My Year

This music is antidepressing. This is my year. If you have projects, you don’t need to wait more, GO ! This is your year.

Ain’t gonna be broken-hearted
Gonna leave my fear behind

I must translate english to english because I don’t understand the first version probably slang version of english.

My heart will not be brocken
I am going to leave my fear behind

And I’m not gonna waste my time –> I don’t understand the english gonna but that should be going
I am not going to waste my time.

Time it’s time to get things started : As I am a good procrastinater, this word speaks to me. Don’t push at tomorrow what you can make now.

Дочь Фермера и Катя Гавриелова – Закружило снегом

Дочь Фермера и Катя Гавриелова – Закружило снегом

Daughter Farmer and Katya Gavrilova – Spun around with snow

Мы никогда не знаем, что произойдет с нами в следующую секунду. Завтрашний день нам не принадлежит.
Но мы в любую минуту можем обратиться в молитве к нашему Отцу Небесному, Который всегда слышит и ждет нас. Молитва имеет огромную силу.
Мы можем быть уверены в Его любви к нам, несмотря на любые обстоятельства.

We never know what will happen to us in the next second. Tomorrow does not belong to us.
But we can at any moment turn to our Heavenly Father in prayer, who always hears and waits for us. Prayer has tremendous power.
We can be sure of His love for us, in spite of any circumstances.