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Category: France

Fasting and prayer 2025 Mulhouse

Fasting and prayer 2025 Mulhouse


Every year since 1995 the Evangelical Church La porte ouverte chrétienne has organized a week of fasting and prayer. After a break of a few years because of COVID, this event was organized again.

The Church had been accused in 2020 of having spread the virus when the information on this virus was vague and the instructions had not yet been given. See article from Le Monde for example

In this article there will just be a few thoughts, it will not be a complete article on the benefits of fasting or a description of the Church.

Every day 3 meetings are organized. 9:30, 12:30 and 7 p.m. A break in the afternoon between 2 and 7 p.m. to be free and rest.

Note that the 450-space parking lot is full 20 minutes before the start of the meetings. The 2500 seat room is full even in the morning. The title ‘week of fasting and prayer’ is not a very catchy title. It has not been changed since the creation of the event in 1995. However, the attraction to the event is real.

Conclusion people come to pray and not to be entertained. One might think that this church is a show church. Which may be true. It takes time to adapt at the beginning so as not to be distracted by the crowd and the cameras. But one can also focus on the important thing. Make oneself small and simply seek God and his will. The rest, the show, the miracles and the emotions then become secondary.

The last evening the thing that I can describe here is the vision of this crowd after having praised God, dancing and being joyful being on their knees trembling and in silence. We could then feel the presence of God. The text of the Bible came back to me when Jacob said It is certain God was present in this place. When Moses was aware that if the people touched the mountain they would die.

The conclusion of these few days spent in Mulhouse: We must continue and new things will come, do not redo what has been done in the past, do not hesitate to move forward and innovate. Productivity will come. Less effort will produce more results

Article translated from french from this source

perros guirec

perros guirec

Perros-Guirec is situated in North Britany. It os  a seaside resort, with sandy beaches and water and beach sports. It is known for its pink granite rocks which have been sculpted by the sea into varied shapes and patterns.

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Yellow revolution in France

Yellow revolution in France

French are not like german people. They like to strike. They are grumbler. Regulary they strike and make demonstration. In November 2018 yellow vest started revolt against tax. Was it a protestation like many ? No !! This is the first time than no political organisation was behind. No trade unions. Only midle class people who had enough because the french president Macron add too many taxes. End of november 2018 french president talk to yellow vest : I understand you but I will not change any thing. What want yellow vests in France – Less taxes – More public services – Civil assembly that will represent population – Referemdum – New constitutiom – More democraty Saturday 24 of november they demonstrate in Paris. They decided to continue each saturday untill the governement change.

My opinion with all this protestation : It looks like Ukrainian orange revolution. This strike is for more democraty. But France is not a democraty any more. Bruxelles and european treaty took sovereignty. Macron is more a german than french. He is always with Merkel. He wanted to give nuclear power to Germans. He already sold fast Train to German TGV (Alstom). His reforms are against the population.
How many kisses? Bisous? French greetings

How many kisses? Bisous? French greetings

In France when you greet a friend or a family member you don’t hug but you say hello with kisses.

Rule :

  • A man just give a hand to a man.
  • A woman can kiss a woman
  • A woman can kiss a man

Concerning the number of kiss : The general rule is 2. But as you can see on the map it depends according to the region. It can be 1, 2, 3 or 4. Personnaly I never see someone greet with 5 kisses.

If you kiss a friend, it means that you are a close friend. If a man shake the hand of a woman it means that the man or the woman want to keep a distance. But you have to feel it. The context is very important to know if you (a man) greet a woman with shaking hand or with a kiss. Never hug !!!

Concerning hug, slowly some people can start hugging. It is very rare but maybe this is influence of american films or english culture.

As a stranger, if you give your hand to greet someone you will never make a mistake. After a while if you are close and want to do like french, you can kiss. If someone start to greet you by kissing just accept.

Concerning the french language now when using TU and VOUS.

An other hard things impossible to explain is polite formule. Sometimes you have to say VOUS and sometimes TU. In the past VOUS was polite and TU casual but now it tends to be opposite. TU show a friendliness and proximity while VOUS shows a distance.

If you don’t know someone you can use vous, talking with a phone with someone you don’t know : use vous, in a shop use vous.

With your friends use tu. If you use vous with your friends, it is very rude and strange. It is like your friend is not your friend. If you start using vous and continue with tu, it means that you trust your friend and now you are closer.

If someone say vous, continue with vous, If someone say tu continue with tu.


La Ciotat

La Ciotat

La Ciotat  means The City in Occitan language. Situated at 26 Km east of Marseille (france),  this city has fabulous calanques and the highest maritime cliffs of Europe, with its highest point. All along the coast for more than 20 km La Ciotat and the sea have been closely linked since ancient times.

You should also take a walk in the Mugel Park and all along the trails admire the wonderful Mediterranean vegetation, and at the top the bird’s eye view of the city, the bay and the Green Islands.


The coast has meanly rocks and just little beach rarely with sand. The water could be very transparent. La Ciotat has an artificial sand beach because of its rocky location.

This Oliver tree has a trunc seperated in tree. It should be very old.



Mulhouse is situated at the corner near Germany and Switzerland. You can read Germany by car in 30 mn and Switzerland (Basel) for the same period of time. This city count 112 000 inhabitants and the metropolitan area if you add suburb you have 280 000 people.

Mulhouse is famous for its museums particularly the automobile museum (Musée national de l’automobile) and the train museum (Musée du chemin de fer). The largest automobile and railway museum in the world.

Mulhouse is also an industrial city from the 19s century. Today you have automobile industry Peugeot who is still in activity.

The city center is interesting with colorfull houses.

This is the city house (hotel de ville) it is written that Mulhouse was attached to France in 1798. Before that date it was part of Switzerland. You still can see flag of swiss canton as decoration

Place Saint Etienne in the city Center





Colmar is a medieval city in the central Alsace at the east of France near Germany. It is a very touristic city. You can walk in the city center who has large zone of pedestrian street only. Traditionaly alsacian houses were white but recently they start to color them in green, dark red and flashy color.

Timber-framed houses, generally characterized by flat clay tiles and half-timbered building fronts, are found in both the cities and the countryside. Elegant bourgeois homes, their façades divided by ornamental banding, have many bay windows. Alsace, a region long accustomed to working with stone and wrought iron, also features fine examples of Romanesque, Gothic and Vaubanesque architecture. Villages typically feature a central square with a water fountain or a defensive wall and gate.

Do you know that the Statue of Liberty was offered by Bartoldy who was from Colmar to the United States ? You can see a little copy of this statue in rememberance of this gift.





Nick Vujicic in France

Nick Vujicic in France

Nick Vujicic  was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1982, from parents orginaly from Serbia He was born without some fully formed limbs. According to his autobiography, his mother refused to see him or hold him while the nurse held him in front of her, but she and her husband eventually accepted their son’s condition and understood it as God’s plan for their son.

He was in invited in France for celebrating 100th aniversary of the Bible House. Here is his conference in France of 14th of July

Nick Vujicic annouced during this conference that he was expected twins.

Evangelist Nick Vujicic, famous around the world for his inspirational faith-based messages despite being born without arms and legs, is releasing his first ever music album. He said « It’s been a dream of mine for a long time now to be able to take my mission of spreading hope, purpose & encouragement across the globe, and combine it with my love of music & song, and now finally I am getting to do it! »

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The previous day Nick Vujicic was in Switzerland. He talk with volonteers and share his project in relation with education